General description:
In structured glass walls made of laminated glass sheets 55.1 upright aluminum guides at floor and ceiling. Junction between the glasses made mating glass - polycarbonate profile - glass. Tempered glass doors elements sp. 10 mm mounted on the jamb in extruded aluminum.
Structural elements "Aluminium"
A floor and ceiling are placed guides by screws to the floor and ceiling, where necessary plugs. The system requires a perfect alignment between the ceiling and the floor: for an optimum yield of the wall is necessary that the difference in level is contained in 3 mm / ml over such a variation in altitude / level is necessary to intervene on the vertical parts of the system to ensure the perfect finish. The horizontal structures are composed of two complementary profiles to one another: the first determines the level of the wall, contains the glass. The second greenhouse profile crystals to structure. The closing profile is fixed snap. The ceiling tracks are not stopped near the doors: the door jambs is to be bi-directional swing are inserted under the upper horizontal profile. At the sides of the jamb, in the outer part, two steel brackets secure the jamb to the ground, then the lower horizontal guide will cover the brackets through a special process. There are three vertical wall finishing systems, the choice depends on usage conditions: the first involves the installation of two panels sp. 10 mm, one per side of the wall, which are applied to the crystal: this system is useful for difficult connections. The second system using the same profile used horizontally, is indicated for well-finished walls connections. The third system uses a very low profile (25mm approx) and is used only with very well finished connections type plasterboard, windows, other partitions.
Structural elements "Glass":
The crystals are formed by the coupling of 2 plates from 5 mm with PVB sheath of adequate thickness: the sheath can be transparent, various colors pigmented, of insulating type. The final glass thickness is close to 11mm. The crystals are cut into equal parts for each wall segment: if a segment has a width of 4.3 meters, the wall will be constituted by 5 glasses 0,86 meters width; the maximum width of each individual glass should not exceed 1 meter. The glass is worked on vertical wires forming the housing need to accommodate the vertical joint profile made from polycarbonate and special double-sided adhesive. The glasses are then connected together by a mechanical and chemical system in addition to ensuring adequate acoustic insulation.
Swing Door-to-ceiling:
The doors are made with tempered glass plates. 10 mm mounted on jambs in extruded aluminum by means of metal hinges similar to the other party finishing. The jamb sock on the upper profile and a special telescopic system absorbs limited size variations in height. At the base of the jamb two steel brackets are fixed to the floor, after mounting hardware are invisible. The doors are equipped with a lever handle Hoppe HCS metal finish. Possibility blind door version with the same frame and handle.
Bi-directional crystal doors full height :
The bidirectional ports have the characteristic to open up to thrust in both directions: a series of automatic closing, the door hinges if left open, an end of stroke iron allows to leave the fully open door. The door is complete with stainless steel vertical handle 400mm upon request underfloor lockable handle.
Sliding glass doors to-ceiling:
Doors are driven by integrated sliding mechanism to the upper profile, a small guide to the floor keeps the vertical door and seated. The door is complete with stainless steel vertical handle 400mm upon request underfloor lockable handle.
All system ports can also be implemented with transom glass instead of full height.
Estimated costs:
-price per square metres from Euro 150,00+Vat
-hinged door from Euro 750,00+Vat
-single sliding door from Euro 900,00+Vat
-sliding door with double door from Euro 1800,00+Vat
Prices don't include VAT, installation, transport, material shot on site (transport to street level).
Customized quote.